Friday 22 May 2009

Charity Calendar - Winchester Travel Health

This is a 2010 calendar that we've designed and printed for Winchester Travel Health ( They are a travel clinic, based in Winchester, that offers advice on the best way to travel safely and healthily. As well as offering advice they carry out vaccinations, provide health screenings and travel health products.

Winchester Travel Health supports the Grace and Hope Foundation which is a charity that funds an orphanage in Ghana. Joanna Lowry, of Winchester Travel Health, thought it would be a good idea to create a calendar made from pictures that her customers have sent to her whilst on their travels. The idea is to sell the calendar and give the profits the foundation.

We created the calendar by screening all the photos to find ones that were of a sufficient quality to be used. We then put together all the artwork and after several drafts, trying out different calendar styles, printed this amazing calendar.

Now Joanna is busy selling them!

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