Thursday 17 June 2010

Southampton Restaurant Business Card

We are often asked for a "simple" business card. I think what most business owners want is a business card that not only gives propective customers their contact details but a business card that also helps sell the business. Afterall is you just want to pass on contact details why not use a bit of paper?

The above images show the initial brief given to us by our customer (My Dreams in Southampton) on the left and the final design and printed business card on the right. The cardboard effect is printed onto the business card - click on the image to see this better. The business card on the right is far more interesting than a bit of paper and importantly through its design gives prospective customer confidence in the business.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Southampton Restuarant Menu

My Dreams is a new restaurant on Shirely High Street near Southampton.

The owners wanted a menu (or leaflet) that reflected the style of their restuarant and had come up with some ideas - see the images on the left. After a consultation we thought we could come up with something much more creative that would actually sell the restaurants to customers. The actual printed menu is on the right. Note on the bottom right menu the creases are printed onto the menu - click on the image to get a better view.

The owners were delighted with the finished menu that we designed and printed and agree that if two menus were posted through their letterbox they would definately pick the resturant with the menu on the right.